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You can find the FAQ on general questions regarding Eventvolunteers and your profile here.


You can apply via the Eventvolunteers platform. Here you simply click through the application process and create a profile at

The best way to get in touch with us is via email: We will then try to respond as quickly as possible.

All volunteers must be at least 18 years old on 1 October 2024.

Yes, a willingness to get involved, enthusiasm, sufficient time during the volunteering days and enjoy working in a team. The enthusiasm and passion of the volunteers will be decisive for the positive experience of all guests. You should have a good knowledge of German and English.

Unfortunately not. Once all applications have been received, the City of Munich will review all applications. Depending on the quality of the application, some additional information will be collected and short interviews conducted. However, you will always receive feedback on your application.

Assignment and shifts

Shifts may vary depending on the day and the area of work and may be longer or shorter. On average, a shift lasts around 8 hours. A break is of course included in the 8 hours. You will receive your shift plan before the event.

After the volunteer selection phase, we will allocate each volunteer to the appropriate shifts in the background. As we know that you have to plan ahead, we will give you feedback as soon as possible. Once the schedule has been published, you can view it via the Eventvolunteers app. You will also receive the schedule as a pdf document by email and can access it in your personal profile:

No, previous experience is not essential. It is part of the idea of the volunteer programme that everyone contributes their skills and experience, but previous experience is not a necessary requirement.

You should always remember to wear your volunteer clothing and, above all, your mobile phone. It is better not to bring unnecessary valuables, as you may not always be able to keep an eye on everything during your assignment. If something special is needed for your area of assignment, you will be informed of this by a contact person or from the volunteer programme.

The trainings are expected to take place in mid-October. You will receive further information as soon as possible.

General information

The NFL game will take place on 10 November 2024 between Carolina Panthers and New York Giants at 15:30 in the Allianz Arena in Munich. However, we need active support a few days in advance. You can specify the days accordingly in the online registration form at

No. Experience has shown that most volunteers stay with friends or relatives nearby.

Ideally, yes. This makes it easier for us to plan and communicate with you. However, if you can only be available on certain days, this is not a direct exclusion criterion. Please only indicate the days on which you are really available.

As this is an international event, you should ideally be able to speak and understand German and English. Other languages are of course an advantage.

Depending on the volunteer role. But most of the volunteer areas are in the city centre or in front of the stadium. Only people with a valid ticket for the game will have access to the stadium.


No, volunteers are honorary staff. That is why there is no monetary compensation for their work. Nevertheless, you benefit from many advantages. In addition to insurance cover for the duration of your assignment, you will receive

  • a volunteer uniform
  • catering
  • public transport ticket
  • a certificate
Further advantages for you are that you will be right in the middle of the action around the NFL game and will be in contact with spectators and visitors who are looking forward to the NFL game. You can make lots of new friends and keep the equipment after the event.

You can collect your volunteer clothing at the Volunteer Centre from 04.11.2024. But you will get more information on this soon.

Yes, you will receive more information by email when the time comes.

Yes, as long as you complete all your allocated shifts, you may of course keep your volunteer clothing after the NFL game.

Yes, as long as you complete all your allocated shifts, you may of course keep your volunteer clothing after the NFL game.