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FAQ - Turnfest Leipzig 2025

You can find the FAQ on general questions regarding Eventvolunteers and your profile here.

From Wednesday 28 May to Sunday 1 June 2025

The following dates reflect the current planning status. There may still be some changes during implementation, which is why the following list is intended as a rough guide for you. We will keep you up to date with regular updates on the dates on the way to Turnfest Leipzig 2025.

31.01.2024 Opening of the online registration portal
01.01. – 31.01.2025 Information to volunteers about decision (acceptance, cancellation)
01.01. – 28.02.2025 Allocation of assignment areas and preparation of shift schedules
01.04. – 30.04.2025 General training of all volunteers (online)
24.05.2025 expected kick-off
26.05.2025 Start of accreditation and uniform hand out
28.05. – 01.06.2025 International German Gymnastics Festival Leipzig 2025

Via our online portal. We will open the online registration portal on 31 January 2024. You can find the link to the registration portal on our website Volunteers - Das Turnfest 2025 in Leipzig.

The registration portal will be open until at least 31 December 2024. During this period, you can register as a volunteer for the Turnfest Leipzig 2025 at any time. Volunteers will only be selected once the portal has been closed.


Registration takes place via our volunteer software on an online portal. You will have to register and setup your profile. During the registration and login process, you can specify your skills and preferred tasks/areas of work. Once you have registered, you will be shown various events for which you can sign up. Here you must select the Turnfest Leipzig 2025. Have a passport photo ready for registration.

To register you will need your personal details, a mobile phone/mobile number, an email address and, if applicable, your diary (-: We need this information to be able to rule out the possibility of someone registering under someone else's name as part of the accreditation process and, as communication takes place via the VolunteerApp, a mobile phone is required. If you do not have a mobile phone, please contact us by email:

You must be 16 years old on 26 May 2025 and you should be available for at least 3 days (three shifts). Otherwise, we welcome all applications regardless of region, age, etc.

We intend to conduct interviews with individual applicants who are considered for certain areas or positions with increased responsibility. There will be no interviews for most applicants.

Once the registration portal is expected to close on 31 August 2024, we will look at all registrations and select suitable people. We will compare the requirements profile of the areas that require volunteers during the gymnastics festival with your skills and experience from previous gymnastics festivals, if applicable, and select based on this. You will be informed via the app and by email.

For the accommodation teams for the schools in which the participants stay overnight, we will contact the clubs/regional associations directly, who will register with us as an entire TEAM via the separate link.

All individual volunteers who select "School accommodation" under the areas of assignment will be informed by us via the app and by email, just like all other volunteers.

Once the selection process has been completed, we will send you an email to let you know whether you are on the waiting list. We will make the selection at the end of the year and inform you by January 2025 at the latest.

We need from you

  • Your first name and surname
  • Your address
  • Your e-mail address
  • Your dress size (for your volunteer outfit)
  • A passport photo (for accreditation)
  • Your dietary habits (vegetarian, no pork, etc.)
  • Your consent to the background check (will be requested during registration)
  • Your consent to our privacy policy

Your data will be used to create a personal account with which you can register for the Turnfest Leipzig 2025. We also use your data for accreditation, which is printed out using our event management software. Any other use or disclosure (in any case only to DTB, state gymnastics associations, clubs) will only take place if you have given your consent to this when applying.

The purpose of the background check is to ensure that no criminal or potentially dangerous persons are granted access to the event site and the vulnerable areas contained therein.

Tasks and areas of application

You can find detailed information on the functions/areas of operation here.

If you love challenges and have special skills and/or experience as a volunteer, there are the following areas of responsibility for you:

  • Tandem team: A volunteer with and a volunteer without physical or mental disabilities work together and master all tasks together.
  • School quarter management: You are responsible for a school team. This consists of breakfast volunteers and school volunteers. You are the contact person for the organising committee and for the school on site. You will need to be available from 26 May to 1 June 2025 (in some cases until 2 June 2025).
  • Sports venue management: You are responsible for a specific sports venue and are the link between volunteers and the organising committee. This requires availability from 24 May to 2 June 2025.

If you have indicated specific skills and/or a particular area of interest when registering, you will be assigned accordingly if possible. However, we cannot guarantee this. If you have not indicated any special skills or desired areas, we will assign you to general functions that do not require any special skills.

In January 2025, we plan to inform all volunteers about their areas of assignment. You can also use the Volunteer App to always keep yourself up to date. We will use this app to communicate your shift schedule, any changes and other information (handbook, sports venue plan, etc.) You can download the EventVolunteers app free of charge from all major app stores.

Yes, you are insured against accidents during your assignments and on the way there and back. There is also insurance for claims for damages by third parties in connection with your gymnastics festival activities.

You can find the relevant application forms from the Leipzig 2025 Gymnastics Festival Organising Committee for schools and employers on the Gymnastics Festival website. Please note that there is no obligation to grant leave of absence.

In the run-up to the event, every volunteer receives general training. Here you will get basic aspects as well as specific procedures and organisational matters. Some of these briefings take place a long time in advance (online), a few days before the gymnastics festival or immediately before your first assignment. You can also ask your area manager questions at any time during your assignment.

In general, the basic idea of volunteering is based on the voluntary and honorary commitment of each individual. Therefore, there is no payment. Nevertheless, there are these good reasons to be a volunteer at the Turnfest Leipzig 2025:

  • volunteer uniform
  • Access to all non-ticketed events during your free time
  • Access to the dress rehearsal of the stadium gala during your free time
  • Access to the gymnastics festival trade fair (Messe Leipzig) during your non-volunteering time
  • Catering during your volunteer time
  • Volunteer lounge for relaxation and communication
  • Free accommodation in shared accommodation for volunteers who are not from Leipzig and the surrounding area (limited capacity!)
  • Confirmation of participation after the event
  • A big thank-you party for all volunteers

Yes, you have the option of specifying your club or other group affiliation. Remember that you all use the same name. We will then try to assign you together.