You can find the FAQ on general questions regarding Eventvolunteers and your profile here.
The following dates reflect the current planning status. There may still be some changes during implementation, which is why the following list is intended as a rough guide for you. We will keep you up to date with regular updates on the dates on the way to Turnfest Leipzig 2025.
31.01.2024 | Opening of the online registration portal |
01.01. – 31.01.2025 | Information to volunteers about decision (acceptance, cancellation) |
01.01. – 28.02.2025 | Allocation of assignment areas and preparation of shift schedules |
01.04. – 30.04.2025 | General training of all volunteers (online) |
24.05.2025 | expected kick-off |
26.05.2025 | Start of accreditation and uniform hand out |
28.05. – 01.06.2025 | International German Gymnastics Festival Leipzig 2025 |
Via our online portal. We will open the online registration portal on 31 January 2024. You can find the link to the registration portal on our website Volunteers - Das Turnfest 2025 in Leipzig.
Once the registration portal is expected to close on 31 August 2024, we will look at all registrations and select suitable people. We will compare the requirements profile of the areas that require volunteers during the gymnastics festival with your skills and experience from previous gymnastics festivals, if applicable, and select based on this. You will be informed via the app and by email.
For the accommodation teams for the schools in which the participants stay overnight, we will contact the clubs/regional associations directly, who will register with us as an entire TEAM via the separate link.
All individual volunteers who select "School accommodation" under the areas of assignment will be informed by us via the app and by email, just like all other volunteers.
We need from you
Your data will be used to create a personal account with which you can register for the Turnfest Leipzig 2025. We also use your data for accreditation, which is printed out using our event management software. Any other use or disclosure (in any case only to DTB, state gymnastics associations, clubs) will only take place if you have given your consent to this when applying.
You can find detailed information on the functions/areas of operation here.
If you love challenges and have special skills and/or experience as a volunteer, there are the following areas of responsibility for you:
In general, the basic idea of volunteering is based on the voluntary and honorary commitment of each individual. Therefore, there is no payment. Nevertheless, there are these good reasons to be a volunteer at the Turnfest Leipzig 2025: